A Work in Progress

Just thought I’d drop a note and update everyone on ‘the plan.’ October is going to be a big month of content dropping on cineaptic.com. I’ve got 2 TB (AKA a metric shit ton) of footage from this summer all ready to be hacked, cut,…

Party Edit! AWSI Bash

So, after a little recovery and a very late night (followed by a very early downwinder on the new LF Varial, more later) I was able to finish up the final edit from the Liquid Force/Monster party last Thursday. A little bit of this, a…

Two beers

Two beers, one dude. ‘Nuff said. For those who weren’t able to make the AWSI Liquid Force/Monster kickoff party (rager) the other night, you pretty much missed out. But no worries! Cry it out and then click back to Cineaptic.com tonight for the party edit!…

Party of the Century

Today marks the kickoff of the AWSI trade show here in Hood River, and in true Hood River fashion we’re kicking it off with a HUGE party. Now, we’ve had some large parties in the past, but if everything goes right this one should trump…

Got Snow?

The Slider Project, 2nd Wind Sports and IPS Skate Shop team up to bring snow, steel and steez to the Hood River sandbar. For this one we pretty much made the impossible possible. Our mission: take two dump trucks donated by Kerr Construction up to…